Tuesday, November 30, 2010

If I Were...

If I were a colour I’d be The color of the little mermaids tail.
If I were a shoe I’d be a  Dr. Martens.
If I were a flower I’d be a Sunflower

If I were a hairstyle I’d be a Mess
If I were a tree I’d be a Cherry Blossom Tree.
If I were a desert I’d be a Anything Chocolate.
If I were a time of day I’d be 9 in the afternoon. If I were a day of the week I’d be SATURDAY.
If I were a city I’d be Chicago.If I were a country I’d be Spain .
If I were a food I’d be Ramen

If I were a material I’d be Cotton.
If I were an animal I’d be a Porcupine. 
If I were a direction I’d be East.
If I were a piece of furniture I’d be a  Bed.
If I were a musical instrument I’d be an  Electric piano, or harmonica.
If I were a fruit I’d be a Grapefruit.
If I were a planet I’d be Saturn.
If I were an expression I’d be a :]
If I were a sound I’d be Waves Crashing
If I were a song I'd be Do better- Say Anything
If I were a month I’d be  August

If I were a feeling I’d be free.

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